Joy Notoma is a fiction writer, essayist, and journalist whose writing has been published in Ploughshares, Longreads, Catapult, CNN, and elsewhere.

Joy co-founded BWWE, a nonprofit that uplifts Black womxn writers living in Europe by providing a supportive ecosystem for their literary pursuits, and founded the Europe Chapter of Women Who Submit, an organization that empowers women and non-binary writers to submit literary work for publication.

As a trained creative writing workshop facilitator, she has led workshops online and in-person with hundreds of participants.

She holds an MA in journalism from The Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY and is an MFA candidate in fiction at Warren Wilson College where she is a Holden Scholar.

Joy is a 2023 Sustainable Arts Foundation awardee, a 2022 Kimbilio fellow, a 2023 Roots.Wounds.Words fellow and an alum of Tin House and The Hurston/Wright Foundation.

She is writing a novel and a short story collection.